Work by Franz Bakery

Franz Bakery

Man may not live by bread alone, but we could do pretty well with selections from the ovens of United States Bakery. The company, also known as Franz Bakery, owns and operates six regional bakeries, as well as a chain of some 50 bakery thrift stores, all located in the Northwestern US. In addition to selling baked goods at its retail outlets, United States Bakery sells a variety of breads, pastries, bagels, donuts, and cookies to grocery stores, restaurants, and foodservice operators. United States Bakery was founded in 1906 by Engelbert and Joseph Franz and is still owned by the Franz family.

Title Status Start Date End Date Company
Franz Bakery - Event Management System Completed 01/29/2008 02/05/2008 Franz Bakery
Franz Bakery - Website Redesign Completed 01/14/2008 02/06/2008 Franz Bakery