Mt. Hood Jazz Festival
The designer was tasked with the creation of a design that conveyed the feeling of jazz in its many forms. The design needed to catch the eye of people passing by the event as well as provide a vibrant expression of the artists involved.
The solution was the creation of a visually stunning image that abstractly represented a saxophone in the mists of a solo.
The design as a great success at the event. I was told that all 400 t-shirts sold out at the event and that the organizers handed out over 100 posters.
Robert's Thoughts
This was a great opportunity to learn about the randomness that can be accomplished using Photoshop and Illustrator. Most of my effort was working on the creation of several passes through randomization filters in photoshop. Once I had a pattern that was pleasing I then imported the pattern into illustrator and worked on making a recognizable shape. Great exercise!