Work by Duda


Duda is a leading DIY website builder for web professionals and small businesses via its products; DudaMobile, a mobile-only site builder; DudaOne, a responsive website builder and DudaPro, which enables entrepreneurs, designers and agencies of all sizes to create personalized and dynamic web presence solutions without the need to invest in hours of costly development time. The company has partnered with some of the biggest players in the tech industry including GoDaddy, AT&T, Yahoo!, Google, Homestead, OpenTable and DreamHost. Duda is based in Palo Alto, California, currently hosts over five million websites and won over ten awards in the last year, including placing number 185th on the Inc 500 2014 list of fastest growing companies.

Title Status Start Date End Date Company
Mighty Portals Canceled 02/15/2017 02/15/2019 The Mighty Guild Co.