Act3Theatres - Website Splash Screen


The development of a new splash screen for the Act3Theatres corporate website was part of a larger marketing initiative to improve the image of the company. The strategy focused on improving the consumer and investor interest in the company and the products and services it provided.


The marketing team determined that it would improve the image of the company to provide a flash-based interface to the site that conveyed the company's key features while presenting a simple and clean representation that followed the existing marketing campaigns developed within the past year.


The splash screen provided the needed emphasis the client was looking for to improve the vision of the website to investors and was featured on local news and internet articles and advertising.

Robert's Thoughts

This work was early in my consulting career and the scope and impact it had on the client's desire to impress potential buyers was evident in the purchase of the company two months later. Can I take credit for the result? Certainly not, but the work I did contributed to the overall marketing strategy. I also had contributed to the client's overall strategy by providing graphic design assistance and serveral marketing strategies.

Project Images: 


Freelance Consulting



Start Date: 


End Date: 

